Overview ======== In this week we will see how to easily retrieve OpenStreetMap data and how to do simple network analysis such analyze different network statistics and calculate shortest paths along street network in Python. 1. `Retrieving OpenStreetMap data <../../notebooks/L6/retrieve_osm_data.ipynb>`__ 2. `Network analysis in Python <../../notebooks/L6/network-analysis.ipynb>`__ 3. :doc:`Exercise 6 ` Learning goals -------------- After this week's lesson you should be able to: - Retrieve and save data from OpenStreetMap using Python - Extract simple street network properties and statistics (centrality measures etc.) - Do simple route optimization using shortest path algorithm in OSMnx / Networkx Sources ------- This week's lecture materials are based on documentation of `osmnx `__, `networkx `__ and `OpenStreetMap `__. Lecture videos -------------- .. admonition:: Lesson 6.1 - Meet the developer: Introduction to OSMnx package by Geoff Boeing .. raw:: html

Henrikki Tenkanen, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.

.. admonition:: Lesson 6.2 - Downloading and working with OpenStreetMap data in Python; OSMnx -package .. raw:: html

Henrikki Tenkanen, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.

.. admonition:: Lesson 6.3 - Network analysis and routing in Python using OSMnx and Networkx -packagess .. raw:: html

Henrikki Tenkanen, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.