Exercise 7 ========== **For this week there is no exercise that you should return.** However, you should go through the :doc:`lesson 7 materials <01-overview>` and test in practice how to use Python from QGIS. You need to do this by using our cloud computing environment, since there are all necessary packages installed for going through the lesson materials. In addition, you use some time to think if you would have a project of your own for the final assignment of the course that will be released next week. The project can be for example a dedicated GIS tool for some purpose (e.g. helping your MSc thesis) or a broader GIS analysis with a short written report about the results (+ documentation in GitHub). If you would like to do an own project as the final assignment: - Send me an email (or private message in Slack) to say that you are interested - Send me a proposal (by Friday next week, 21.12.) of your project to my email (word-doc), where you should explain: - What are the aims of your project? - What will be the final product of the project? - What kind of data will you need for the project? - Do you think all the necessary GIS techniques have been covered in the course to finish the project?