Overview ======== In this week we will see how to easily retrieve OpenStreetMap data and how to do simple network analysis in Python. 1. `Retrieving OpenStreetMap data <../../notebooks/L6/retrieve_osm_data.ipynb>`__ 2. `Network analysis in Python <../../notebooks/L6/network-analysis.ipynb>`__ 3. :doc:`Exercise 6 ` Learning goals -------------- After this week's lesson you should be able to: - Retrieve data from OpenStreetMap using Python - Extract simple street network properties and statistics (centrality measures etc.) - Do simple route optimization using shortest path algorithm in OSMnx / Networkx Sources ------- This week's lecture materials are based on documentation of `osmnx `__, `networkx `__ and `OpenStreetMap `__. .. admonition:: Lesson 6 - Fetching OpenStreetMap Data using osmnx in Python .. raw:: html

Vuokko Heikinheimo, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.

.. admonition:: Lesson 6 - Network analysis and routing in Python using OSMnx and Networkx -packages .. raw:: html

Vuokko Heikinheimo, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.

.. admonition:: Meet the developer: Introduction to OSMnx package by Geoff Boeing .. raw:: html

Henrikki Tenkanen, University of Helsinki @ AutoGIS channel on Youtube.