Resources ========= In addition to our course, there are countless of excellent books, tutorials and examples related to programming in Python. Here we list some good places to look for further information. Books ----- There are **no required textbooks** for this course. This course uses a wide range of sources for course information and the main textbooks are given below. - Books related to data analysis in Python: - Zelle, J. (2017) `Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science `_, Third edition. Franklin, Beedle & Associates. *Copies of this book are available in the Kumpula Campus library.* - McKinney, W. (2017) `Python for Data Analysis: Data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and iPython `_, Second edition. O´Reilly Media, Incorporated. `Available as Ebook in here `_. - Lawhead, J. (2015) `Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python: An effective guide to geographic information systems and remote sensing analysis using Python 3 `_, Second edition. Packt Publishing. - Books related to spatial data analysis in Python: - Westra, E. (2016) `Python Geospatial Development: Develop sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python 3 tools for geospatial development `_, Third edition. Packt Publishing. - Zandbergen, P. (2013) `Python Scripting for ArcGIS `_, Alternate edition. ESRI press. (`Available from the library `_ - Diener, M. (2015) `Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook: Over 60 recipes to work with topology, overlays, indoor routing, and web application analysis with Python `_. Packt Publishing. Python tutorials ---------------- - `Codecademy's Learn to program in Python `__ - `Software Carpentry's programming in Python `__ Git + Github tutorials ---------------------- - `Online "Try-Git" tutorial (learn Git in your browser) `__ - `Git simple guide ("no deep shit") tutorial `__ - `Software Carpentry's Git novice tutorial `__ - `Git official documentation `__ - `Screencast series in Youtube for learning GitHub `__ - `Tutorial on few extra features of GitHub not (most probably) covered in this course (e.g. branch, pull-request, merge) `__ - `A TechCrunch article about 'What is GitHub Anyway?' `__ - `A list of resources for learning Git and GitHub `__