# General information :::{admonition} Contact teaching at the University of Helsinki :class: info Please note that access to *Discord* and to the *CSC Notebooks* is limited to students at Finnish universities. The recorded lesson videos, as well as all other course material on this page, are available to anyone interested. ::: ## Course meetings in teaching period Ⅱ - Lectures on {{lectures_weekday_time_location}} - Work sessions on {{work_sessions_weekday_time_location}} ## Instructors - Lecturer: - Kamyar Hasanzadeh - Course assistants: - Mikko Kangasmaa - Aino Schulz - Veeti Sihvola Email: firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi ## Course web pages: - *Automating GIS processes* (period Ⅱ) - course page: [autogis.github.io](https://autogis.github.io/) - CSC notebooks: [notebooks.csc.fi](https://notebooks.csc.fi/) - Discrod (Q&A and chat): [autogis2023 Discord Server](https://discord.com/channels/1141294124633423932/1141294951729213460) - *Geo-Python* (period Ⅰ): - course page: [geo-python.github.io](https://geo-python.github.io/)