# Grading criteria for the final assignment **The grading is based on a typical 0-5 scale.** The following aspects are considered in the assessment **Data preparation, analysis & visualization (3/5 of final grade)**: - Reading and manipulating data - (Spatial) data analysis steps - Quality of visualizations (maps, graphs) - Is the code written in a modular way (avoid repetition eg. using functions and for-loops) - Does everything work as it should - Overall difficulty of the analysis task is taken into account in the assessment **Overall documentation of the work (1/5 of final grade)** - Is there a general description in about the research problem / purpose of the tool? - Is the usage of the tool/ available functions described and demonstrated clearly? - Are all input data and output results (maps, graphs) presented and explained clearly? - Is the code easy to read and well-formatted (following the PEP8 guidelines) **Other merits in the work (~1/5 of final grade)**: - Good style of coding (writing efficient and well-documentent code) - Something in the work is exceptionally well done - Some problem in the code is solved in a "smart" way - The work is exceptionally well documented - The visualizations are exceptionally good - Additional features are added (eg. steps 5-6 in accesViz, or some other features that were not required) **The workflow should be repeatable and well documented.** In other words, anyone who gets a copy of your repository should be able to run your code, and read your code.