# Key concepts :::{admonition} **Check your understanding** Before diving into this week's Python lesson, you should already be familiar with some basic spatial data file formats and projection definitions, such as these: - Shapefile - GeoPackage - CRS - Datum - EPSG ::: :::{admonition} **Definitions** **Shapefile:** a vector data format for storing location information and related attributes. A shapefile consist of several files with a common prefix that need to be stored in the same directory. `.shp`, `shx` and `.dbf` are required file extensions in a shapefile. Other file extensions are not required, but for example the file extension `.prj` is often essential. More information about Shapefile file extensions in [here](). The shapefile format is developed by ESRI. **GeoPackage:** an open source format for storing and transferring geospatial information. GeoPackages are able to store both vector data and raster data. In more detail, GeoPackage is a container for an SQLite database with a `.gpkg` extension (all in one file!). The GeoPackage format is governed by the Open GeoSpatial Consortium. More information at: **CRS:** Coordinate reference systems define how coordinates relate to real locations on the Earth. *Geographic coordinate reference systems* commonly use latitude and longitude degrees. *Projected coordinate reference systems* use x and y coordinates to represent locations on a flat surface. You will learn more about coordinate reference systems during this lesson! **Datum:** defines the center point, orientation, and scale of the reference surface related to a coordinate reference system. Same coordinates can relate to different locations depending on the Datum! For example, WGS84 is a widely used global datum. ETRS89 is a datum used in Europe. Coordinate reference systems are often named based on the datum used. **EPSG:** EPSG codes refer to specific reference systems. EPSG stands for "European Petroleum Survey Group" that originally published a database for spatial reference systems. For example, [EPSG:3067](https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3067/) refers to coordinate reference system ETRS-TM35FIN which is commonly used in Finland. [EPSG:4326](https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/4326/) refers to WGS84. You can search for EPSG codes at: :::