General information#
Contact teaching at the University of Helsinki (2024)
Please note that access to Discord and to the CSC Noppe is limited to students at Finnish universities. The recorded lesson videos, as well as all other course material on this page, are available to anyone interested.
Course meetings in teaching period Ⅱ#
Lectures on Wednesday, 16:15-17:45, Physicum D112
Work sessions on Friday, 12:15-15:45, Physicum A113+A114 (GIS lab) (classroom is also reserved for 5.12.2024 - 16:15-19:45)
⚠️ Attention: There will be no in-person teaching on Week 2 (13.11). The session will be conducted remotely. Further updates will be provided during the course and via Discord. Please note that exercise session will run d as usual in Physicum A113+A114 (GIS lab).
Kamyar Hasanzadeh
Course assistants:
Veeti Sihvola
Vili Rauhala
Nino Chkhartishvili
Course web pages:#
Automating GIS processes (period Ⅱ)
course page:
CSC notebooks:
Discrod (Q&A and chat): autogis2024 Discord Server
Geo-Python (period Ⅰ):
course page:
Textbook. PythonGIS
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