Overlay analysis

Overlay analysis#

Overlay analyses are GIS operations in which two or more vector layers are combined to produce new geometries. Typical overlay operations include union, intersection, and difference - named after the result of the combination of two layers.

Four panels showing the union, intersection, symmetrical difference, and difference of two geometries.

Figure: Spatial overlay with two input vector layers (rectangle, circle). The resulting vector layer is displayed in green. Source:QGIS documentation

In this tutorial, we will carry out an overlay analysis to select those polygon cells of a grid dataset that lie within the city limits of Helsinki. For this exercise, we use two input data sets: a grid of statistical polygons with the travel time to the Helsinki railway station, covering the entire metropolitan area (helsinki_region_travel_times_to_railway_station.gpkg) and a polygon data set (with one feature) of the area the municipality of Helsinki covers (helsinki_municipality.gpkg). Both files are in logically named subfolders of the DATA_DIRECTORY.

import pathlib
NOTEBOOK_PATH = pathlib.Path().resolve()
import geopandas

grid = geopandas.read_file(
    / "helsinki_region_travel_times_to_railway_station"
    / "helsinki_region_travel_times_to_railway_station.gpkg"

helsinki = geopandas.read_file(
    DATA_DIRECTORY / "helsinki_municipality" / "helsinki_municipality.gpkg"

Let’s do a quick overlay visualization of the two layers:

# Plot the layers
ax = grid.plot(facecolor="gray")
helsinki.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="None", edgecolor="blue")
<Axes: >

Here the grey area is the Travel Time Matrix - a data set that contains 13231 grid squares (13231 rows of data) that covers the Helsinki region, and the blue area represents the municipality of Helsinki. Our goal is to conduct an overlay analysis and select the geometries from the grid polygon layer that intersect with the Helsinki municipality polygon.

When conducting overlay analysis, it is important to first check that the CRS of the layers match. The overlay visualization indicates that everything should be ok (the layers are plotted nicely on top of each other). However, let’s still check if the crs match using Python:

# Check the crs of the municipality polygon
# Ensure that the CRS matches, if not raise an AssertionError
assert helsinki.crs == grid.crs, "CRS differs between layers!"

Indeed, they do. We are now ready to conduct an overlay analysis between these layers.

We will create a new layer based on grid polygons that intersect with our Helsinki layer. We can use a method overlay() of a GeoDataFrame to conduct the overlay analysis that takes as an input 1) second GeoDataFrame, and 2) parameter how that can be used to control how the overlay analysis is conducted (possible values are 'intersection', 'union', 'symmetric_difference', 'difference', and 'identity'):

intersection = grid.overlay(helsinki, how="intersection")

Let’s plot our data and see what we have:

<Axes: >

As a result, we now have only those grid cells that intersect with the Helsinki borders. If you look closely, you can also observe that the grid cells are clipped based on the boundary.

  • Whatabout the data attributes? Let’s see what we have:

car_m_d car_m_t car_r_d car_r_t from_id pt_m_d pt_m_t pt_m_tt pt_r_d pt_r_t pt_r_tt to_id walk_d walk_t GML_ID NAMEFIN NAMESWE NATCODE geometry
0 29476 41 29483 46 5876274 29990 76 95 24984 77 99 5975375 25532 365 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091 POLYGON ((402024.224 6685750, 402003.328 66857...
1 29456 41 29462 46 5876275 29866 74 95 24860 75 93 5975375 25408 363 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091 POLYGON ((402250 6685750, 402250 6685834.729, ...
2 36772 50 36778 56 5876278 33541 116 137 44265 130 146 5975375 31110 444 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091 POLYGON ((403148.515 6685750, 403243.781 66857...
3 36898 49 36904 56 5876279 33720 119 141 44444 132 155 5975375 31289 447 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091 POLYGON ((403250 6685750, 403250 6685774.119, ...
4 29411 40 29418 44 5878128 29944 75 95 24938 76 99 5975375 25486 364 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091 POLYGON ((401900.425 6685500, 402000 6685592.1...

As we can see, due to the overlay analysis, the dataset contains the attributes from both input layers.

Let’s save our result grid as a GeoPackage.

    DATA_DIRECTORY / "intersection.gpkg",

There are many more examples for different types of overlay analysis in Geopandas documentation where you can go and learn more.

Reading and Writing GeoPackages with Multiple Layers

GeoPackages are versatile spatial data formats that can store multiple layers in a single file. Here’s how you can work with them using Python and GeoPandas:

Writing Multiple Layers to a GeoPackage

Use the to_file method with the layer parameter to specify the name of each layer:

import geopandas as gpd

# Example: Writing two layers
gdf1.to_file("example.gpkg", layer="layer1", driver="GPKG")
gdf2.to_file("example.gpkg", layer="layer2", driver="GPKG")

Reading Multiple Layers from a GeoPackage

List all available layers using fiona and then load specific ones:

import geopandas as gpd
import fiona

# List layers in the GeoPackage
layers = fiona.listlayers("example.gpkg")
print(layers)  # Output: ['layer1', 'layer2']

# Read a specific layer
gdf = gpd.read_file("example.gpkg", layer="layer1")

Key Notes

  • GeoPackages use the GPKG driver.

  • They are ideal for combining multiple spatial datasets into a single file.

  • It is a good habit to specify the layer name when working with multiple layers.

For more details, see the GeoPandas documentation.

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