Aggregating data

Aggregating data#

Data aggregation refers to a process where we combine data into groups. When doing spatial data aggregation, we merge the geometries together into coarser units (based on some attribute), and can also calculate summary statistics for these combined geometries from the original, more detailed values. For example, suppose that we are interested in studying continents, but we only have country-level data like the country dataset. If we aggregate the data by continent, we would convert the country-level data into a continent-level dataset.

In this tutorial, we will aggregate our travel time data by car travel times (column car_r_t), i.e. the grid cells that have the same travel time to Railway Station will be merged together.

Let’s start with loading intersection.gpkg, the output file of the previous section:

import pathlib
NOTEBOOK_PATH = pathlib.Path().resolve()
import geopandas
intersection = geopandas.read_file(DATA_DIRECTORY / "intersection.gpkg")

For doing the aggregation we will use a method called dissolve() that takes as input the column that will be used for conducting the aggregation:

# Conduct the aggregation
dissolved = intersection.dissolve(by="car_r_t")

# What did we get
geometry car_m_d car_m_t car_r_d from_id pt_m_d pt_m_t pt_m_tt pt_r_d pt_r_t pt_r_tt to_id walk_d walk_t GML_ID NAMEFIN NAMESWE NATCODE
-1 MULTIPOLYGON (((384750 6670000, 384500 6670000... -1 -1 -1 5913094 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
0 POLYGON ((385750 6672000, 385750 6672250, 3860... 0 0 0 5975375 0 0 0 0 0 0 5975375 0 0 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
7 POLYGON ((386250 6671750, 386000 6671750, 3857... 1051 7 1051 5973739 617 5 6 617 5 6 5975375 448 6 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
8 MULTIPOLYGON (((386000 6671500, 385750 6671500... 1286 8 1286 5973736 706 10 10 706 10 10 5975375 706 10 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
9 MULTIPOLYGON (((385000 6671250, 385000 6671500... 1871 9 1871 5970457 1384 11 13 1394 11 12 5975375 1249 18 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091

Let’s compare the number of cells in the layers before and after the aggregation:

print(f"Rows in original intersection GeoDataFrame: {len(intersection)}")
print(f"Rows in dissolved layer: {len(dissolved)}")
Rows in original intersection GeoDataFrame: 3826
Rows in dissolved layer: 51

Indeed the number of rows in our data has decreased and the Polygons were merged together.

What actually happened here? Let’s take a closer look.

Let’s see what columns we have now in our GeoDataFrame:

Index(['geometry', 'car_m_d', 'car_m_t', 'car_r_d', 'from_id', 'pt_m_d',
       'pt_m_t', 'pt_m_tt', 'pt_r_d', 'pt_r_t', 'pt_r_tt', 'to_id', 'walk_d',
       'walk_t', 'GML_ID', 'NAMEFIN', 'NAMESWE', 'NATCODE'],

As we can see, the column that we used for conducting the aggregation (car_r_t) can not be found from the columns list anymore. What happened to it?

Let’s take a look at the indices of our GeoDataFrame:

Index([-1,  0,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
       23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
       41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56],
      dtype='int64', name='car_r_t')

Aha! Well now we understand where our column went. It is now used as index in our dissolved GeoDataFrame.

Now, we can for example select only such geometries from the layer that are for example exactly 15 minutes away from the Helsinki Railway Station:

# Select only geometries that are within 15 minutes away
geometry    MULTIPOLYGON (((384000.00013620744 6670750.000...
car_m_d                                                  7458
car_m_t                                                    13
car_r_d                                                  7458
from_id                                               5934913
pt_m_d                                                   6858
pt_m_t                                                     26
pt_m_tt                                                    30
pt_r_d                                                   6858
pt_r_t                                                     27
pt_r_tt                                                    32
to_id                                                 5975375
walk_d                                                   6757
walk_t                                                     97
GML_ID                                               27517366
NAMEFIN                                              Helsinki
NAMESWE                                           Helsingfors
NATCODE                                                   091
Name: 15, dtype: object
# See the data type

As we can see, as a result, we have now a Pandas Series object containing basically one row from our original aggregated GeoDataFrame.

Let’s also visualize those 15 minute grid cells.

First, we need to convert the selected row back to a GeoDataFrame:

# Create a GeoDataFrame
selection = geopandas.GeoDataFrame([dissolved.loc[15]],

Plot the selection on top of the entire grid:

# Plot all the grid cells, and the grid cells that are 15 minutes
# away from the Railway Station
ax = dissolved.plot(facecolor="gray")
selection.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="red")
<Axes: >

Another way to visualize the travel times in the entire GeoDataFrame is to plot using one specific column. In order to use our car_r_t column, which is now the index of the GeoDataFrame, we need to reset the index:

dissolved = dissolved.reset_index()
car_r_t geometry car_m_d car_m_t car_r_d from_id pt_m_d pt_m_t pt_m_tt pt_r_d pt_r_t pt_r_tt to_id walk_d walk_t GML_ID NAMEFIN NAMESWE NATCODE
0 -1 MULTIPOLYGON (((384750 6670000, 384500 6670000... -1 -1 -1 5913094 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
1 0 POLYGON ((385750 6672000, 385750 6672250, 3860... 0 0 0 5975375 0 0 0 0 0 0 5975375 0 0 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
2 7 POLYGON ((386250 6671750, 386000 6671750, 3857... 1051 7 1051 5973739 617 5 6 617 5 6 5975375 448 6 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
3 8 MULTIPOLYGON (((386000 6671500, 385750 6671500... 1286 8 1286 5973736 706 10 10 706 10 10 5975375 706 10 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091
4 9 MULTIPOLYGON (((385000 6671250, 385000 6671500... 1871 9 1871 5970457 1384 11 13 1394 11 12 5975375 1249 18 27517366 Helsinki Helsingfors 091

As we can see, we now have our car_r_t as a column again, and can then plot the GeoDataFrame passing this column using the column parameter:

<Axes: >

How Are Other Columns Aggregated During ``dissolve``?

When using the dissolve method in GeoPandas (e.g., dissolved = intersection.dissolve(by="car_r_t")), here’s how other columns are aggregated:

Default Behavior:

  • Default Aggregation Function: aggfunc='first'

    • Keeps the first value from each group for columns that are not involved in the aggregation (i.e., not the by column).

    • For multiple rows grouped together, only the first row’s values are retained for other columns.

Custom Aggregation:

You can control how other columns are aggregated using the aggfunc parameter:

dissolved = intersection.dissolve(by="car_r_t", aggfunc="sum")

Supported aggregation functions include: - "sum": Sum of the values in the group. - "mean": Average of the values in the group. - "min": Minimum value in the group. - "max": Maximum value in the group. - "first": First value in the group (default). - "last": Last value in the group. - Custom aggregation using a lambda function.

Using Multiple Aggregations:

To apply different aggregations to different columns, you can do further aggregation manually:

dissolved = intersection.dissolve(by="car_r_t")
dissolved = dissolved.groupby("car_r_t").agg({
    "column1": "sum",
    "column2": "mean",
    "column3": "max"

Geometry Aggregation:

  • The geometries in the grouped rows are merged (unioned) into a single geometry for each group.

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